
14 February 2010

Heating - more thoughts

40°C 0.75 72°F
45°C 0.88 81°F
50°C 1.00 90°F
55°C 1.13 99°F
60°C 1.25 108°F
65°C 1.39 117°F
70°C 1.51 126°F

This chart shows the variance between a radiators rated output and the incoming water temperature.

So if you wanted to keep a temperature of 70F and you needed the rated output you would need water at 160F

If you can get much hotter water in you can produce much more output, Unfortunately up here 70 + 126 = boiling and a bit!

But if the water temperature is high and the indoor temperature is low you will get an initial output that is a lot higher than the normal state.

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